
1950's TV PUPPET SHOWSTHE ADVENTURES OF PATCHES (1951) A 'Time for Beany' rip-off starring Larry Harmon and Don 'Boo-Boo' Messick, JOHNNY JUPITER (1953 ABC) a wild filmed series with a store clerk bedeviled by puppets from outer space! THE GUMBY SHOW with PINKY LEE (1957) That Green guy and the puppet pals from the Fun Forest (Paul Ashley's Puppets) join up with that dancing, singing maniac, Pinky! Finally, from HOWDY DOODY VOL. 1 the last half-hour of the final episode from September 1960!
THE ADVENTURES OF CYCLONE MALONEHere's a charming children's program which appears to have been syndicated to NBC stations circa 1951. A talented company of marionettes portray a brave cowboy, his girlfriend and his trusty horse in the collection of live and filmed episodes.
ADVENTURES OF FU MANCHU4 episodes of this Republic Studios filmed action series, reminicent of their famous serials!
BIL BAIRD MARIONETTESART CARNEY MEETS PETER AND THE WOLF (1958 ABC) One of the best-remembered productions of the Fifties, every Thanksgiving this program would return! An original musical set to the classic music!
CAPTAIN KANGAROO2 classic episodes (from 1961 and 1968) with the Captain, Mr. Greenjeans, Bunny Rabbit, Dancing Bear, Mr. Moose and all your pals from the Treasure House, lots of Tom Teriffic cartoons also!
CHUCK, SOUPY & BOBHere's a Hobson's choice for you! Here's three rare episodes of THE CHUCK MCCANN SHOW (1965 WNEW) with Chuck in all his glory and then a reel of out-takes with Soupy Sales and all his gang from THE NEW SOUPY SALES SHOW (1979) with profanity and everything! However, the quality is not good, the sound on the McCann shows is hissy and the visuals just fair and the Soupy material is hilarious but fair to poor in quality. Also included is a 1994 interview with beloved WONDERAMA host Bob McAllister where Bob tells all! Quality of this is fine. Should you get it? Sure, gowan!
CIRCUS BOYOne of my favorite kids shows of the 50's! Four great episodes starring Mickey Braddock (Dolenz) as Corky, Robert Lowery as 'Big Tim' Champion, Noah Beery Jr. as Joey the Cown and hey, don't forget Bimbo the Elephant! 'Meet Circus Boy', 'Fabulous Colonel Jack', 'Casey Rides Again" and 'The Little Fugitive'.
CIRCUS FUNBoy, circuses sure got a lot of play on early TV! Here's two more episodes of the immortal CIRCUS BOY 'The White Eagle' and 'The Proud Palliacchi' and live from the Camden, New Jersey Convention Hall, CBS presents THE SEALTEST BIG TOP with ringmaster deluxe, Jack Sterling!
HANNA-BARBERA OFFBEATHere's a few oddities from the earliest years of Hanna-Barbera. THE CAPN' BOB SHOW with RUFF AND REDDY (1963) the last gasp of network kiddie hostdom, HERE COMES A STAR (1963) a half-hour promotional film starring George Fenneman and Bill and Joe themselves feting their new 'star', Magilla Gorilla! Next, a very weird outing with Fred and Barney as they become bartenders for a day in an in-house film for BUSCH BEER (1967), in color! A QUICK DRAW McGRAW (1959 SYND) with original Kellogg's titles is next, finally a selection of H-B Kellogg's commercials and the original Kellogg's titles for HUCKLEBERRY HOUND (1958).
HOWDY DOODY & PINKY LEEHere's two episodes each of these towering icons of Kids TV. First, Clarabelle joins the Val Carney carnival and in the next episode Buffalo Bob invents a automatic soda fountain! Then two zany episodes of THE PINKY LEE SHOW (1954) with the guy with the checkered hat and the checkered coat and the silly dance like a billy goat!
HOWDY DOODY VOL. 1Four great episodes! PUPPET PLAYHOUSE (1948) Howdy goes to school thean an early 50's episode featuring Milt Neil, the artist of the HOWDY newspaprer strip, an early color episode (in B&W of course) with Howdy, the Inspector, Captain Windy Scuttlebutt and more! Finally, the last half-hour of the final HOWDY DOODY program from September 1960, tears all around and Clarabelle has a secret!
HOWDY DOODY VOL. 2Four more episodes (not in the best visual shape but watchable) First an episode with Chief Thunderthud and a papoose, acrobat Fred Flipflap does flipflaps when he senses danger and he's flappin! Then visit Camp Doody and meet Bongo Bongotree!
KIDDIE HOSTS VOL. 1Two rare hours of the lamest local Kiddie Hosts you have ever seen! These characters are all from the Baltimore area in the early 60s, there's MR. MORNING'S PLAYHOUSE starring a fifth-rate Soupy Sales imitator, a local BOZO who can even be bothered to affect a comic voice, PETE THE PIRATE with a cheezy stuffed parrot on his shoulder and much, much more. What a sad collection, everyone loves their own cities local hosts, but these guys are ridiculous!
KIDDIE HOSTS VOL. 2Here's a fun collection of the oddballs who populated Children's Television way back when! THE MAGIC CLOWN (1950) the evilest clown you've ever seen flogging every product in sight! MACK & MYER FOR HIRE (1963 SYND) Joey Faye and Mickey Deems star as a pair of bumblers in this collection of made-for TV comedy shorts that try and recall classic comedy shorts. THE EMMETT KELLY SHOW (1963) a pilot starring the famous clown where he's reduced to mugging in between ancient Warner Brothers cartoons. A DAY WITH DOODLES (1965) starring Doodles Weaver (actually its more like five minutes, which is more than enough!) finally 3 episodes of LEARN TO DRAW WITH JON GNAGY where if you can master the four basic shapes, you too can learn to draw!
KIDDIE HOSTS VOL. 3Here's more volumes of those crazy local kiddie hosts! From Birmingham, Alabama comes "Cousin Cliff' Holman and 'Cousin Cliff's Cartoon Clubhouse'! 'Cousin Cliff' was one of the last of the great local Kiddie Hosts and here is a great behind-the-scenes look at the making of a local Kids show, examples of the show itself going back to the 50's, 'Cousin Cliff's' personal history and early 80's interviews and retrospectives of his career. This is great stuff!
KIDDIE HOSTS VOL. 4Here's a volume for our friends in Cleveland! DIMENSION: SPECIAL EDITION CLEVELAND TV is a late 70's look back at the history of all the Cleveland TV stations with emphasis an all the great local kids shows. Then, ERNIE 'Ghoulardi' ANDERSON The Final Interview! Ernie Anderson, was for many years the 'Voice of ABC' but before that in his hometown of Cleveland he was the infamous TV Horror-Host Ghoulardi! Ernie looks back in this profane and touching interview.
KIDDIE HOSTS VOL. 5We're off to Atlanta to revisit Georgia's favorite kiddie host Officer Dan, who, with his pal Orvil the Dragon hosted THE POPEYE CLUB for over 20 years! THE OFFICER DAN OOEY-GOOEY SPECIAL (1997) offers tons of memories and clips! Then Dallas' MR. PEPPERMINT turns out the lights after 35 continuous years on the air for WFAA-TV, there's even a heartfelt testimonial to Mr. Peppermint from Texas Governor George W. Bush! So thats what he did in his office all day!
KIDDIE HOSTS VOL. 6Kansas City took a back seat to no one when it came to local Kid's shows as the beautifully-produced WHIZZO, OLD GUS AND ME (KCPT) proves. Whizzo the Clown and all your KC favorite live again in this great program!
KIDDIE HOSTS VOL. 7From WCVE Richmond, VA comes long-time favorite SAILOR BOB with his porthole pals, then from KCRA in Sacramento, CAPTAIN SACTO returns in a special reunion hour with clips and cartoons!(This show has a bit of a skew, but its perfectly watchable).
KIDDIE HOSTS VOL. 8For kids in Los Angeles, the last gasp of classic kids shows was this wild entry from KHJ Channel 9, SHRIMPENSTEIN (1967 in COLOR!)! If you remember it, you've gotta have it! If you've never seen it, you must have it! One entire program and a partial program are shown. Then, from WNEW ,New York an fresh hour of clips from WONDERAMA starring Bob McAllister, a studio of screaming kids and guests such as Cyril Ritchard, Muhammad Ali, Andrea McArdle, The Jackson 5, Laverne and Shirley and more!
KIDDIE HOSTS VOL. 9This one is a lot of fun! First a selection of early 50's filmed Children's shows, GOING PLACES WITH UNCLE GEORGE, WILLIE WONDERFUL and MR. MAGIC , then from early Chicago television we'll visit LUCY'S TOYSHOP and finally we'll smoke the peacepipe over at the TOTUM CLUB!
KIDDIE HOSTS VOL. 10BIRTHDAY HOUSE For all you fans of New York City Kids TV, here are 2 rare hour-long episodes of this 1960s program with the former Mr. I. Magination, Paul Tripp!
KUKLA FRAN AND OLLIE / WATCH MR.WIZARDTwo great episodes each of these well-loved childrens programs.
THE MAGIC LAND OF ALLAKAZAMHere's three episodes of the early 60's kiddie favorite hosted by Master Magician Mark Wilson and his lovely wife and assistant, Nani Darnell! There's vintage Hanna-Barbera cartoons and scads of classic Kellogg's commercials too!
PAUL WINCHELL & DANNY O'DAY TV RARITIESHere are two of my favorite ventriliquists on the same tape; Paul Winchell and his gang and Jimmy Nelson's Danny O'Day and Farfel! Paul and Jerry guest with Cliff Arquette, Shecky Green and host Hal March on LAUGHS FOR SALE (1963 ABC), then Paul is one of the panel of the color pilot for TALKING PICTURES (1968 CBS) a 'Hollywood Squares' rip-off. Then two great half-hours of STAGE SHOW (1956 CBS) starring The Dorsey Brothers with such great guests as Elvis Presley, Henny Youngman, Kim Novak, Gordon McCrea with Jimmy Nelson, Danny and Farfel doing all those live Nestle's commercials! Finally, Jimmy and the gang guest on the Christmas episode of THE PAT BOONE CHEVY SHOWROOM (1957 ABC) along with Stubby Kaye (who sings 'Jubilation T. Cornpone' from the Broadway musical 'Lil' Abner'), Jimmy, Danny and Farfel run a counter at the busy department store where Pat is trying to get his Christmas shopping done! Two and a half hours of fun!
PAUL WINCHELL & JERRY MAHONEY TV RARITIESHere's two and a half-hours of classic fun! Clips from Paul Winchell's earliest TV appearance on the DuMont variety hour CAVALCADE OF STARS (1950), a great guest appearance on THE PERRY COMO SHOW (1955) then an hour of Winch's 1957 ABC varirty hour CIRCUS TIME with his guests The Platters and Buster Keaton, then a pilot for a 1963 quiz QUICK ON THE DRAW, a funny guest shot on THE HOLLYWOOD PALACE, an episode of WINCHELL-MAHONEY TIME (1966 METROMEDIA), the trailer for STOP. LOOK AND LAUGH! (1960) and a bonus show with Winch and the gang! What a collection!
PAUL WINCHELL AND JERRY MAHONEY VOL. 2This long awaited second volume features a varied assortment of rare material featuring Paul & Jerry. Episodes of the local PAUL WINCHELL SHOW from 1962, a game show pilot from 1965, SENSE AND NONSENSE, a rare screen test for a commercial and much more!
PRIMETIME CARTOONSFrom the primetime animation trend of the early 60's, here's THE BUGS BUNNY SHOW (1960 ABC), THE BULLWINKLE SHOW (1961) with that crazy Bullwinkle puppet "Oops, gotta go! Mr. Disney just came into the studio with a baseball bat!', CALVIN AND THE COLONEL (1961 ABC) the animated version of AMOS 'N ANDY by Godsen & Correll and TOP CAT (1961 ABC).
Q.T. HUSH(1960) In the tradition of Crusader Rabbit and Ragland T. Tiger and Rocky & Bullwinkle, follow private eye Q.T. Hush and his bloodhound partner Shamus the private nose in their continued adventures, 'The Magic Mixup Mystery' and 'The Doomsday Caper' In COLOR!
SANDY BECKER AND SONNY FOX BLOOPERSAn hour of bloopers from WNEW circa the early 60's where Sonny and Sandy (along with Soupy Sales, Chuck McCann and Gene Rayburn) goof up, foul up, cut up and use language not usually used in connection with Twinkies and Hawaiian Punch! Then over an hour and a half of clips and interviews with beloved kiddies hosts from all over the country!
SANDY BECKER, WONDERAMA & MORE!CARTOON EXPRESS with ENGINEER BILL (1960 KHJ-TV, Los Angeles) an abridged episode of this beloved show, SANDY BECKER (1957 WABD, New York) a rare 30 program, WONDERAMA (1971 WNEW, New York) a 40 minute color excerpt with Bob McAllister and his special guests Marty Allen and Marlo Thomas and a special look back at your favorite Los Angeles kiddie hosts Sheriff John, Engineer Bill, Chucko the Clown and more!
SATURDAY MORNING TV RARITIES VOL. 1THE RUFF 'N REDDY SHOW starring CAPT' BOB (1963), MIGHTY MOUSE PLAYHOUSE (1965 CBS) and two episodes of ROCKY AND HIS FRIENDS (1959 ABC) all with original commercials!
SATURDAY MORNING TV RARITIES VOL. 3Hokey Smokes! Here's four more episodes of ROCKY AND HIS FRIENDS (1959 ABC) in original ABC format with the original commercials!
SATURDAY MORNING TV RARITIES VOL. 4Here's four more Saturday morning favorites! FURY (1955) Here's the pilot of this classic series with Peter Graves and Bobby Diamond, THE HECKLE AND JECKLE SHOW (1956 CBS) Terrytoon fun with your favorite talking magpies, MATTY'S FUNNIES with BEANY & CECIL (1962 ABC) In original ABC-Mattel format! LINUS THE LIONHARTED (1964 CBS) Those Post cereal advertising icons hop off their boxes in this entertaining series!
SHARI LEWISEveryone of a certain age had a giant crush on Lamb Chop and Charley Horse's friend Shari Lewis, I know I did! Here's a rare episode of the local NBC New York weekday morning hour, HI MOM! from 1958 hosted by Shari and her puppet pals and featuring cooking and child care segments along with plenty of Shari!
SMILIN' ED'S GANG & ANDY'S GANG Here's four episodes of the wackiest kid show of the Fifties! First a rare color episode of SMILIN' ED'S GANG with the original host Smilin' Ed O'Connell, the three episodes of ANDY'S GANG with Andy Devine and of course all the shows feature Squeaky the Mouse, Midnight the Cat and that mad maniac Froggy the Magic Gremlin!
SPACE PATROL & CAPTAIN VIDEOFirst, join the Space Patrol as they explore 'The Underwater Space Ship Graveyard' (1954 ABC) followed by three little-seen episodes of CAPTAIN VIDEO AND HIS VIDEO RANGERS (DuMONT).
SPACE PATROLHere are the final 3 episodes of this beloved live Sci-Fi series that ran for 5 years on ABC from 1950-55. Say goodbye to Kit Corry, Lt. Happy and all the gang and their sponsors Chex cereals and Nestle's candy bars!
SPACE PATROL VOL. 2Marvin 'The Millionaire' Miller goes up against the Space Patrol gang in the guise of their nemesis Mr. Proteus in a couple of classic live episodes along with a touching Xmas episode!
SUPER CIRCUSFour episodes circa 1953-54 live from ABC in Chicago with Ringmaster Claude Kirschner, bandleader Mary Hartline and clowns Cliffy and Scampy, all with original commercials!
SUPER CIRCUS VOL. 2Another two hours of this classic live ABC kids show, live from Chicago! Cliffy, Scampy, Claude Kirchner and Mary Hartline are all here!
TOM CORBETT, SPACE CADETSpaceman's Luck! Here's 3 live episodes from the show's NBC run with original commercials; 'Mystery of the Missing Ship', 'Monster of Space' and 'Pursuit of the Deep Space Projectile'.
WHIRLYBIRDSFour exciting episodes of this swell 1957 Desilu-produced syndicated series starring Ken Tobey and Craig Hill as the owners of a helicopter service. Every kid wanted to fly a copter back then!
WHIRLYBIRDSHere's four episodes of the 1958 syndicated classic starring Kenneth Tobey and Craig Hill as the owners of a helicopter service with noses for trouble!